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Thursday, June 4, 2020

From “democracy” to “demoncracy”

 From “democracy” to “demoncracy”
“Democracy”s genetic susceptibility to conversion, mutation, morphing, deformation, transformation, distortion and perversion as surmised, maybe as presaged, by its original defenders and founders gradually became evident in our modern times. Demos created their Demogorgons to “bring death and disaster”. (The Readers Encyclopedia, Thomas Y. Crowell Co. 1948)
              In some democracies, heads of states are elected by “demons” living among “demos”, who bulldoze to the ground all the advances of “democracy” painfully achieved thus far after long fights and compromises over centuries.
            It is abundantly clear that the main reason for this infirmity of “democracy” is the absence of a rational, humanistic, cultural teaching in societies. People are trained instead with materialism that feeds their senses rather than their intellect. The lack of rational thinking and of humanistic morals seem to have stunned the intellect of finding a way to sustain “democracy”.
            Although we witnessed yesterday in front of a church a frightened, distressed, and meaningless Demogorgon, we see nowhere a courageous, determined, and intellectual “demos”. 
June 3, 2020

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