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Saturday, July 22, 2017

An important and urgent warning to the Europeans in particular, and to the civilized world in general

While the civilized countries have been fighting inaptly, thus ineffectively, against the jihadist terror for more than twenty years, their supposed allies Saudi Arabia and recently Turkey were covertly supporting the jihadists. Several inter-related news coming out of Turkey yesterday sounds like the latest alarm bells for the civilized world, as we know it.

The islamist government of Turkey formally added jihad teaching in the religious classes of 7th to 12th grades, elementary school children are taken to streets  shouting the jihad slogan “Tekbir” (presumably to teach them to emulate the present youth), and the Religious Affairs Administration is given the authority to have precedence over the Ministry of Education in the administration of private “foundation schools”.

 Also in a speech condemning Israel’s decision to close the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem for three days, the Turkish President called on the “world community to action”. He said he spoke as the President of the OIC (Organization of Islamic Co-operation). Therefore, his call is none other than a call to the Muslim world for “action”. His method of calling people (some of whom are armed with long knives) to streets for action has proven to be effective (e.g. July 15, 2016 coup scenario). Hence, the call, with the backdrop of his incessant attacks on the West, should be taken as a chilling wake-up call.

These and similar actions and coded statements should be taken seriously and with due concern. The last twenty years’ terror is the costly consequence (in blood and in treasure) of our typical wait and see policy and overconfidence in our intelligence and power. Europe is warned in particular because of Turkey’s rigorous programs to brainwash the large Turkish population in Europe. The civilized world, beware; tolerance and civility should not become condonation, indifference or ignorance.
July 22, 2017

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