Is Some Religion Running in Your Arteries?
welcome your well-researched contribution to a growing library of articles
about the Gulen Movement. A similar study in Ohio , and in Utah were published. Your article is a fine
complement to the earlier researches published in Jane's
Islamic Affairs Analyst, in Act for America by Guy Rodgers, in MERIA
Journal by Bill Parks, and in National Review by Michael Rubin. Your article
must be read together with others to put the problem lurking in the darkness of
naïveté, in a greater perspective. The issue is not only a school issue. Only
those knowledgeable on the subject can appreciate your investigative work.
Needless to say, you will be receiving many comments praising the Harmony
schools either from the uninformed people or from the followers of the Gulen
movement in an attempt to whitewash the truth.
lesson to be learned from your research is that this Movement is “moving” very
fast within our midst for its ominous objective. The hidden objective is to
engineer societies in numerous countries in the vision of this cult. In that
sense, this cult and its guru are no different from others this country hosted.
This one, however, is distinct in one very important way. This cult operates in
disguise; it does not have an established, identifiable, traceable existence
for any illegal operation. It operates not only within the law, but also for
seemingly a laudable purpose, “interfaith dialogue”. Its guru denies any
association to the Movement’s activities, which is true because of the way the
system operates. The Movement operates without a central authority, by the
guru’s own admission, but with a web of so-called volunteers.
are recruited in the growing number of schools founded by businessmen,
followers of the Movement, to educate the children of poorer or minority
families. The graduates are then given jobs or financial assistance to start up
their own business. Their one obligation for the favors is to donate 5 to 15%
(relative to the size of the business) of their profits to a cause of the
Movement. This is the snowballing effect of the Movement’s financial strength.
Those businessmen, or foundations funded by them, establish schools and
mosques, and own media companies, a bank and an insurance company.
model used in the political field is based on the benevolent involvement of
those businessmen in their community. The charity activities catapult them into
politics. First they establish their roots in the media, then in the security
apparatus and judiciary, in order to silence any opposition.
tool is dissimulation, deception of public’s view. In the guru’s own words,
“you must move in the arteries of the system without anyone noticing your
existence until you reach all the power centers. … The work to be done is in
confronting the world”. They are required to work with great patience, because
it takes at least a generation to invade all “the arteries”. Once their numbers
grow their social pressure will naturally chase away the others. They
co-operate with authorities, promote “interfaith dialogue”, are not
confrontational, do not show religious prejudice, fit into the social
fabric, denounce violence and militant Islam, while, however, staying true to
the Islamic traditions, particularly regarding women. This is a symbiotic
existence with democracy.
rule is for the leader of any operation is to deny any association with the
guru or the Movement. Anyone interested in a success story of this system needs
to look no further than Turkey ’s
transformation in the last forty years. The President and the PM of the country
still deny their association with the guru and the Movement.
question now is whether this Movement will succeed also at the global level,
including in the U.S.
The answer is an unequivocal Yes. Why do you think the guru set-up shop in the U.S. ?
A worldwide operation can be led best from the only super power country. The
Movement exploits the U.S.
democracy and policies to the fullest for spreading nationwide and globally
while pulling the wool over the eyes of the U.S. politicians and academics. The
Movement has a lobbying office in D.C., and boasts association with many
congressmen/women and academia. It emulates the Christian missionary tactics.
It even gets the U.S.
government’s support for such a “laudable” objective as “interfaith dialogue”,
which conforms to the U.S.
foreign policy pursued after 9/11. Public funds and CIA assistance to the
Movement’s activities (for example posting their agents as teachers in the
Movement’s schools abroad) have been reported, and not denied by the
government. Why do you think Russia and Uzbekistan closed down the operations of the
Movement? The ultimate objective is to mirror the power of the Pope in the
Islamic world, ecumenism, and caliphate.