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Tuesday, March 23, 2021


The Land of Hate


It is a country where about forty percent of the population

hates Blacks,

hates Latin American refugees,

hates Asian origin citizens,

hates Muslims,

hates Jews,

hates gays and lesbians,

hates transgenders,

hates women,

hates schools,

hates science,

hates government,

hates international law, standards, and organizations,

hates foreign scrutiny and criticism,

hates self-discipline and modesty, and respect for the other.


Of course, there are countries where they hate some, all, or more of those listed above to differing degrees.

But it is easier to name the one described above if we list what they love




Freedom without borders or bordering irrationality,

Greatness, being righteous, winner, or on top of everything.


Now you can figure out the country and its product with this hate and love combination.

March 23, 2021